Schlagwort-Archive: Language lessons

Learn to speak Italian

I’m often asked about the best way of learning the language  especially by people who are moving here full time and starting a new life in the wonderful Piemonte region, and although my Mother is Italian, which of course gave me a huge advantage, I’d like to share some tips with you which I have picked up over years living here.

I think its important to understand that the people here appreciate any effort to speak their native  language  therefore creating a positive environment in which to learn.

Here in The Langhe region you can sign up for free Italian lessons which take place in Alba, Cortemilia, Bossolasco,Dogliani and most large towns. You take a small test for want of a better word, which allows the school to evaluate your level and place you in the appropriate group. The courses take place between October and June and consist of two three hour lessons twice a week. You can get all the relevant information from the local tourist office. Weiterlesen